LQ Launched the First Domestic Made 24-spindle Carousel Turntable
Date: 2013-05-06 09:55:22    Views: 2010

Beijing Langqiao Surface Technology Development Co., Ltd. (LQ) announced that the first domestic 24-spindle turntable (carousel turntable) for thermal spraying was successfully built on May 8th, 2013, after going through a long period of dedicated development.     

Multi-spindle turntable, also known as carousel turntable, is an automatic device designed for mass production of thermal spray. It has a number of rotators (or small turntables) of the same structure, evenly distributed and located on the edge ring of a large turntable’s plate. A rotator clamping a part starts its self-rotating only when the large turntable rotates to the position where the rotator at opposite to the spraying gun then the deposition process stars, while the rotators at the non-working positions remain no-rotation, and therefore available for loading or unloading of the parts. 

At present, the 24-spindle turntable developed by Langqiao is the first automatic carousel turntable of its kind built in China. It contains a grit blasting chamber, a flame spraying chamber and cooling chamber so the parts will be first grit blasted, then flame sprayed, cooled and finally unloaded manually or by robot. The entire process is conducted automatically.

Besides 24-spindle carousel turntable, LQ also manufactures 2-spindle, 4-spindle and 6-spindle turntables for specific thermal spray needs.

Through integration with the core thermal spraying equipment and automatic gun manipulator like robot, the 24-spindle turntable of Langqiao can realize three guns’ simultaneous spraying three parts on the corresponding rotators to increase the production efficiency. Carousel turntable is the very solution for mass thermal spray production for products like synchronizer ring, shifting fork, cylinder liner, ball valve, ball valve seat, capacitor etc.

The 24-spindle turntable of Langqiao as an automatic device, can be integrated and work with flame spray, arc spray, plasma spray, HVOF, detonation and cold spray system to realize automatic spraying production. At present, UCT’s 24-spindle turntable for vacuum plasma spray is also available for market.



The fully automatic 24-station turntable for grit blasting and flame spraying

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